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Q: What force pulled a skydiver to the ground?
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What direction is the net force on a falling skydiver before she reaches terminal vilocity?

The net force on a falling skydiver is directed downwards, which is the force of gravity acting on the skydiver. This force causes the skydiver to accelerate as she falls until she reaches terminal velocity.

What does a skydiver hope to see above him just after the ripcord is pulled?

When he or she wants the parachute to open

What force stops you from hitting the ground to hard when you skydive?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is the force that slows down a skydiver's fall and helps cushion their landing. As the skydiver falls, air molecules exert a force opposite to their motion, creating resistance that ultimately slows them down and reduces the impact of hitting the ground.

What is the overall net force of a skydiver?

The overall net force acting on a skydiver is the force of gravity minus air resistance. Initially, as the skydiver falls, gravity is the dominant force causing acceleration. As the skydiver gains speed, air resistance increases, eventually balancing out the force of gravity to reach a terminal velocity where the net force is zero.

Are the forces balanced or unbalanced when a skydiver is accelerating downward?

When a skydiver is accelerating downward, the forces are unbalanced. The force of gravity acting downward on the skydiver is greater than the air resistance force pushing upward, causing the skydiver to accelerate downward.

What is a cumpas pulled by?

The needle of a compass is pulled by the magnetic force of the poles. North and south not random lengths of metal sticking out of the ground

Why do skydivers use parachutes scientifically speaking?

Skydivers use parachutes to slow down their freefall to a safe landing speed. The parachute creates drag, which counteracts the force of gravity pulling the skydiver towards the ground. This ultimately allows the skydiver to land safely without injury.

How can we slow down the skydiver?

Air resistance and ultimately the ground.

When a sky diver reaches terminal velocity what happens to the two forces of weight and drag?

When a skydiver reaches terminal velocity, the force of weight acting downwards on the skydiver is equal to the force of drag acting upwards. This means that there is no net force acting on the skydiver, resulting in a constant velocity rather than acceleration.

If a skydiver with a mass of 70 kg accelerates to Earth at a rate of 9.8 ms2 due to gravity what is the force on the skydiver?

The force on the skydiver is equal to the mass of the skydiver multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity. In this case, the force would be 70 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 which equals 686 N.

What is the magnitude of the force of gravity on the skydiver with 845 N?

If you're telling us that the skydiver weighs 845 newtons, then that's the magnitudeof the forces of gravity between him and the Earth whenever he's near the Earth.

What example of air resistance force?

An example of air resistance force is when a skydiver jumps out of a plane and experiences the force pushing against them as they fall through the air. This force acts in the opposite direction to the skydiver's motion and increases as their speed increases.