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Swim, freestyle as much as possible.

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Q: What exercise can you do to get fit for surfing?
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Related questions

How does surfing keep you fit?

it's like skateboarding. maintaining balance.

How many calories does surfing burn?

You should check out an exercise reference chart and that will tell you

Where to get fit or exercise inexpensively in London England?

At home. There is absolutely no need to go to a gym to exercise and get fit.

How can you become fit and remain fit?

exercise everyday

How do girls get fit?


What is exercise used for?

Exercise is so you can stay fit and lose weight!

How do you be a physical fit person?


What makes a girl fit?


Does exercise make you fit?

no of course it does!!!!

How do you fit our body after pregnancy?


What should we have to keep excretory system clean?

Answer 1Lots of fiber in the diet, and exercise to stay fit. Answer 2^exercise and stay fit.

What is another word for fit?

Healthy is another word for fit.