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Q: What equ ipment is reqiured in the swimming relay?
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What does the root equ mean?

It is a Latin root that means horse, but many words with 'equ' have nothing to do with horses...

What is the market cap for Equal Energy Ltd EQU?

As of July 2014, the market cap for Equal Energy Ltd. (EQU) is $194,173,341.20.

What is the meaning of equ?

equ means middle or even. examples-equal, frequent, equation, unequal, or equator. next time do your homework yourself

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10000lbs equ als how many tons?

5 of them.

Why must the operand field of the EQU pseudo-op be evaluated in pass 1?

We need to find the S.T so we need to find the values of the Symbols!!! The format of the EQU pseudo-op is : Lable EQU operand, so we need to find the value of the label in order to find the S.T

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What words has a latin root that means equal?


What is the prefix of equal?

The prefix of the word "equal" is "equ-".

What does equ and qual?

Equal measurement niggers✌

55 inches equ als to how many centimeters?

139.7 cm

What is the pay scale for defence officers in sixth pay commission?

Post Pay Band Grade pay (MSP) Lieutenant/equ. 15600-39100 5400 6000 Captain/ equ. 15600-39100 5700 6000 Lt. Colonel/ equ. 15600-39100 6600 6000 Colonel/ equ. 15600-39100 7600 6000 Brigadier/ equ. 15600-39100 8400 6000 Major General/ equ.39200-67000 9000 Nil Lt. General/ equ. 39200-67000 11000 Nil Vice Chiefs and Army Commander/ equ.80000 (Fixed)Nil Nil Service Chiefs 90000 (Fixed) Nil Nil *No arrears on account of Military Service Pay shall be payable. * The element of Military Service Pay shall be taken in account for purposes of fitment at the time of promotion from Brigadier/equivalent to Major General/equivalent.