This is an American Red Cross acronym for Heat Escape Lessening Position. It is a lifesaving float one performs in cold water to stay warmer longer. Pretty much pull your legs as close to your chest as possible and hold them there with your arms. Take a deep breath. Repeat as necessary.
R: rest and reassure E:elevate D:direct pressure
Rest & Reassurance Elevate Direct Pressure Semi Sit/Semi Prone i learned this in Swimming Lessons
in Acronym Finder in Acronym Finder
If you mean Adjustable rate loans, please rephrase your question and we can help you. I'm assuming it is an acronym.
The acronym may mean "by us for us" and may be a misstatement of the acronym FUBU.
That is not an acronym in any of the Acronym Dictionaries.
I'm guessing you mean "wrote"so that might help your next google search for acronyms of wrote.mwa.
Barf is an acronym for "Bile And Regurgitated Food". not slang, but an acronym.
The acronym AQR means Ain't Quite Right.
The acronym ART means Approaching Room Temperature.
The acronym AAA means Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
The acronym ALS means Absolute Loss of Sanity.