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Q: What does mosquito larva look like in swimming pools?
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What are white tiny fish like things in swimming pools?

Most probable answer is mosquito larvae.

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they are like sports halls, Swimming Pools, sexual intercourse rooms

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What is the common name for the mosquito larva?

'Wrigglers' is what mosquito larvae are called. They like to hang upside down just under the water's surface. That's because they breathe through a tube that's in their tails. They often find it difficult to stay still in this position.

How do betta fish eat when not in captivity?

Wild bettas primarily eat insect larva that floats on the surface of the water, like mosquito larva. If they swim by it and it wriggles, they eat it.

Do bees like swimming pools?

yes they are, i dont know why

What are the life cycle for mosquito?

The adult mosquito lays it's eggs in water. The egg hatches into a larva, and the larva feeds on organisms in the water. Then when the larva matures into a mosquito, the mosquito flies around and feeds on organism's blood.

What are swimming pools called that look like they are meeting the sea?


How does the neon tetras get its food?

Neons feed mainly on small water creatures like Daphnia, and insect larvae like Mosquito larva.

Do goldfish eat mosquito larva?

Yes - mosquito larvae are like potato chips to goldfish! I have a container water garden on my patio and earlier this week I noticed that it was completely full of hundreds of mosquito larvae swimming around in the water. I bought two (just two!) goldfish and put them in it this morning. Within the course of three hours, the two goldfish had eaten every single mosquito larvae - not a single one left. I strongly recommend common goldfish for anyone who has a mosquito larvae problem in their pond or water garden.

Can you get mono in swimming pool?

Yes. But Mainly At Public Pools Like Amusement Parks

What are some advances of technology in swimming?

swimming and wave pools, places like wet water world and wet'n'willd have also contributed aswell and things like netballs