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Its alot thicker than regular water and you float alot eaisier. You float eaisier because of the salt content.

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Q: What does it feel like to deep sea dive?
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Who was the first person to dive deep into the sea?

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Who was the first person to dive deep in the sea?

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sea lions eat krill, penguins.

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Bering Sea Gold Under the Ice - 2012 Deep Dive Uncut was released on: USA: 7 September 2012

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use dive go in the deep sea grass he will be in the grass

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Clownfish live at the bottom of the sea, usually in a coral reef environment

How might being able to dive into very deep water be an advantage for whales?

Because of the whale's CO2 tolerant blood and because of lactic acid fermentation, whales (like the sperm whale) are able to dive down deep to eat deep sea squid and fish. Scource: I'm learning this at one of the best high schools in the USA

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you need to be a member to dive into the sea

How deep can beluga whales dive?

They feed at depths of around 1000 feet in the sea bed. But, they can dive atleast twice this depth. A typical dive lasts 3 to 5 mins. But, they can submerge upto 20 minutes at a time.

Where do you get the deep sea tooth and deep seas scale in SoulSilver?

alright what you need to do is, have dive, go to abandoned ship b/w slateport and dewford. find one of the rooms, dive across, rooms there, one will be open, itemfinder will be very useful, after that, you'll get the idea.