In swordsmanship, it would indicate the final deadly blow.
Felled means knocked down or killed, and a stroke can be the stroke of a sword or other weapon, or a serious medical condition that can cause paralysis, memory loss, and death. Either a weapon or a medical condition could cause you to fall (be felled), so depending on context it could mean either of those things.
The lumberjack felled the tree with a single swing of his axe.
Strokes per hour refer to keystrokes. Usually typing is referred to as words per minute and strokes per hour are for a 10 key.
key strokes per hour
key strokes per minute
Find out what is felling
Goliath was a philistine giant who came up against the people of Israel. He was felled by a stone from David's sling.
A hemorrhagic stroke relates to your brain. Strokes can occur in large or vast amounts (small usually referred to mini stroke). Strokes all take place in the brain. Some people usually think strokes are heart related.
key strokes per hour
It felled.
it means he is stroking his lips with his thumb