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There are 2 possible answers. One is a simple answer to what is decompression in diving. The answer to that is simply ascending back to the surface. Any time pressure is reduced (i.e swimming shallower), the diver is decompressing. So many divers will say that all dives are decompression dives since that is an accurate description. The other possible answer is what is decompression sickness or illness. This occurs when a diver has not adequately decompressed back to the surface. In recreational diving, actual decompression stops are not required even though a "safety" stop or stops are always recommended. The purpose of the stops is to allow some of the inert gas absorbed during the dive from breathing (which is nitrogen for air or oxygen enriched air mixtures) to be released from the body prior to surfacing so the extra nitrogen does not result in "too many" bubbles. Bubbles can occur since air is comprised of roughly 79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Nitrogen is an inert gas since it does nothing other than just sitting there (as compared to oxygen that is metabolized and used) ... so nitrogen can build up during a dive due to the pressure on the body from being underwater. Bubbles result in tissues after almost every dive, but the body can handle them nicely, so it is excessive or too many bubbles that become a problem. The same answer applies to dives that are planned decompression stop dives that technical or commercial divers do. These dives will require stops at multiple depths to reach the surface again often using multiple different decompression gases during the different stops to accelerate the decompression times. The longer the dive, the longer the required decompression due to greater absorption of inert gas. But if adequate decompression is not done, then bubbles will form in body tissues which will result in decompression sickness commonly known as the bends ... which requires treatment in a recompression chamber ... to recompress the diver and make the bubbles smaller so they can be reabsorbed by the diver during the treatment. See the links below for some other articles on decompression and diving.

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What is the scuba diving decompression table?

It is used to plan your decompression so you do not come up with excessive nitrogen in your blood therefore giving you the bends.The tables give you time limits at different depths where most people will not get decompression sickness. There are different tables out there, but all have the same commonalities, such as having short time limits at deeper depths and longer time limits at shallower depths.You may also want to see a longer answer in the question "What does decompression mean in diving?"

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Its called'The bends'

What is decompression illness?

It is any illness that is related to a release of pressure from the body such as barotrauma .. baro (pressure) trauma (injury). It includes decompression sickness, but it is not limited to decompression sickness. It is also not limited to diving even though that is what is mostly thought of when discussing decompression illness or DCI.

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"Deep" diving is diving farther than 120'. Though there are no educational qualifications per se, there are a number of certifications needed to do it safely. Certifications differ from agency to agency, but usually include: -Scuba diver -Advanced scuba diver, with deep dive training -Mixed gas diving -Multi-stage decompression diving -Diver rescue Specialized equipment includes: -Dry suit -Breathing gas mixtures such as trimix, heliox, etc (some use pure oxygen for decompression -Dive and decompression computers -Powerful underwater flashlights -More stuff I can't remember.

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It might be called "the benz,"but there are several different kinds......AdditionA very rapid pressure loss is known as explosive decompression. The question is about the ascent itself and not any consequences of ascending too fast. Also, simply ascending fast does not equate to a diver actually getting decompression sickness. The term decompression illness encompasses all diving pressure related injuries including those not related to ascending fast.ADDITIONDecompression sickness/Decompression illness/"Thebends"

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What is Air decompression table 1-26X?

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