If you're going shallow: you just wear a bathing suit, a mask, flippers, and snorkel. If your going deep: you need a protective suit, mask, oxygen pack, flippers, chain mail (for sharks), and gloves.
Here is the complete list of Scuba gear, as far as I know
Wetsuit, or drysuit (insulation, warmth, protection)
BCD (Buoyancy Compensator Device, used for maintaining neutral, positive or negative buoyancy underwater)
Weight belt (used to let the diver sink, not to make him sink, some of the newer BCD's have integrated weight systems)
Fins (If you don't know what fins are used for i assume you have never been underwater or at a pool)
A tank (for air)
A regulator (to breath and warm the air, as it is approximately -40 degrees when it comes out of the tank)
SPG (submersible pressure gauge, used to tell you your depth, and how much air you have)
Dive knife (optional)
Dive computer (also optional, but used widely to tell you various things such as dive times, No Decompression Limits, etc.)
Other equipement is also used, but is not mandatory
scuba diving equiment
just say im going scuba diving
I think you mean BUSEAR, which means to go scuba diving. El buseo = scuba diving. Buseador = scuba diver.
You can scuba dive in any state
Go scuba diving!
Personally, I go scuba diving to get lobsters, to spear fish, and to see marine life in the sea. It is a fascinating sport with several rewards.
There are scuba diving classes and popular scuba diving areas in Sydney, Australia. Scuba diving clubs are not advertised in that area.
you go talk to nicky after you get martin and go skydiving.
a harness is a weight belt that you wear like a jacket
Millions of people worldwide go scuba diving each year. The exact number can vary due to factors such as location, popularity of the activity, and access to diving sites.
I think that Scuba Divers go to learn about fish or improve the human's knowledge. I know that I enjoy scuba diving and it seems like the perfect way to learn. It can also be fantastic to see the different things that we are sharing Earth with!
you go to the mayor and she gives it to you