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Q: What do you know about dougal the sea diver diary?
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Related questions

How do you become a deep sea diver?

To become a deep sea diver, diving equipment needs to be purchase. Enrolling in a good diving school program is also recommended forÊbecoming a deep sea diver.

What word starts with d and works under water?

diver deep sea diver dolphin trainer

What is another name for Columbus's sea diary?

another name for columbus's sea diary is LOG

What has the author Dougal Robertson written?

Dougal Robertson has written: 'Survive the savage sea' -- subject(s): Lucette (Schooner), Survival after airplane accidents, shipwrecks, Shipwreck survival, Large type books, Popular Print Disabled Books

How do you use anemone in the sentence?

The diver's saw a sea anemone.

What actors and actresses appeared in Sea of Demons - 2007?

The cast of Sea of Demons - 2007 includes: Scott Cassell as Himself - Diver

IN the commercial for Rozerem what is the connection between President Lincoln the groundhog and the deep sea diver?

the month of february? Lincoln's birthday groundhog day. haven't figured out the diver yet.

Why do you think a person going to the depths of the sea requires a rigid diving suit instead of a flexible one?

A rigid diving suit provides more protection against the extreme pressure of the deep sea. A flexible suit could compress under the pressure, causing harm to the diver. The rigid suit helps maintain a stable environment for the diver at such depths.

What happened to Dirk Hartogs diary?

it was lost at sea

Who wrote a diary about Sherman's March to sea?


What is the limit for a deep sea diver?

It depends, really, but usually 40 m./130 ft.

Is loon not a water bird?

The Loon (or Diver) is a water bird, spending most of its time at sea.