Ischemic strokes account for about 80% of all strokes.
yeah all warriors are 4 strokes yeah all warriors are 4 strokes
all xr hondas are four strokes. all cr hondas are two strokes all Honda crf's are four strokes.
Butterfly Freestyle Medley (all strokes)
An estimated 5-14% of all strokes are caused by cerebral emboli
All of them.
Yes, all CR80's are 2 strokes, however Honda also has a CRF80 which is a 4 stroke
All CR80's are 2 strokes, however Honda also makes a CRF80 which is a 4 stroke.
There are four main strokes in swimming. There is Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Freestyle.
125 2-strokes are good but 125 4-strokes are not all that great.
yes all 2 strokes have a powerband......a powerband is a range of rpms where u get the most power all 2 strokes do
i DONT know it myself