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The simple answer is the partial pressure of nitrogen being breathed. The deeper a diver goes, the greater the partial pressure of nitrogen in the air being breathed due to the increased pressure from being deeper. There is also a debate as to whether oxygen contributes to narcosis. But for a more indepth answer ... I don't think anyone really knows why it happens and last I knew there were different theories out there. Perhaps some medical people can jump in here some.

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It doesn't. Nitrogen narcosis is a nitrogen toxicity that happens only at depths of 100+ ft. Decompression Illness or "The Bends" is what happens when divers ascend too quickly.

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Decompression sickness (the Bends)

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Q: What causes nitrogen narcosis in scuba divers?
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I would say scuba diving. You can get the bends, or nitrogen narcosis. There is also the factor of running out oxygen during a dive.

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