Exposure to the elements seems the most common reason I've found in my research of what causes personal flotation devices to wear out.
Personal Flotation Device
Children must wear personal flotation devices at age 12 and younger.
In the US, it's called a personal flotation device, or "PFD".
90 percent
The Personal Flotation Device (PFD) is seriously recommended when the weather is rough.
Because, especially if you can not swim, the device will keep you afloat if you fall in the water and prevent you from drowning.
Any/all children need to wear flotation devices when on board a personal pleasure craft. Everyone should wear one just out of common sense.
A PFD takes some time to fit properly, especially in an emergency
A PFD takes some time to fit properly, especially in an emergency
Children under 10 years of age
Personal flotation device (PFD) are stored onboard depending on the size of the boat. Anyone in the boat should wear a PFD - sailing dinghy, rowing boat, jet ski, canoe, and wind surfing.
A personal floatation device