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umm. I suggest not swimming; but if you use a swim cap to protect your hair from getting wet, I suggest you use something plastic

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Q: What can you use to cover a infected toenail to still be able to go swimming?
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Related questions

Can you lose a toenail and still survive?

Yes you still can survive the toenail will slowly grow back.

Should you bring your 2year old to the doctor for his toenail which is pushed up from his toe but still attached?

Yes, it's better to be safe than sorry, especially if you're worried about it getting infected.

What can you do for an infected burn?

Wash it, cover it with a linen bandage and then if it is still sore or itchy you should seek medical attention.

How do you treat your toenail that got ripped halfway back but is still attached it has no bruising just a little clear watery ozzing when I push on it?

It sounds as if your toe nail is it is infected. You must see your physician in order to receive proper treatment.

Is there still people infected by the black plaque?

People can be still infected but it is easily cured now.

What happens when your toenail is broken in the middle of the toe?

The new toenail will grow in and the old one will fall off or be pushed along if it is still attached. Go to a doctor if it pushes into the skin or otherwise irritates the toe.

What happens if your piercing is still infected after the healing progress?

If it is still infected then it has not healed. If generic antiseptics have not worked then it is advisable to see a physician.

What is malwarebyte?

malwarebyte lets you scan the computer and the it tell you if somethings are infected,you can delete the infected thing do worry you will still have the thing that you deleted but not infected

If you are infected by aids would you still be cared for?

Yes you would still be cared for.

If the genital wart is in the pubic area and the individual gives oral without touching the infected area can he she still get HPV genital warts?

Yes it is still possible to be infected.

If there's no HIV in the blood could you still be infected and what if you had contact with blood that's not infected with HIV?

In order to contract HIV from blood, it must be infected with the virus. Otherwise, you will not contract HIV.

Will vinegar kill toenail fungus?

Vinegar may have antifungal properties that can help treat toenail fungus, but it is not a guaranteed cure. It is recommended to use a combination of treatments, such as over-the-counter antifungal creams or prescription medications, along with proper nail hygiene to effectively treat toenail fungus. If the infection persists, it is best to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment options.