One company that manufactures pink bean bag chairs is Bean Bag City. One can also find a long list of bean bag manufacturers at Global Sources, including Dragonshire Co. and Shinning Industries.
Kids bean bags and bean bag chairs can be purchased at many retailers. Walmart and Target carry an assortment of bean bags as toys as well as bean bag chairs. Amazon has both available as well.
Roger Dean. 1967 had the first one, but the actual bean bag chair was invented in 1969
You can purchase a bean bag bed online from the Bean Bags Network website. Once on the page, click on "Bean Bag Beds" in the left navigation menu to bring up the beds.
One way to create a friendly atmosphere around the house is add a bean bag sofa to the room. They are available in a couple of places such as Amazon and at Bean Bag Chair Sofa.
One does not need to replace the beans in a bean bag chair, if one wants to be bigger, once can just add a little more beans to it. Stores such as Home Depot and Walmart sells the bean bag refill
Bean bags are a very popular sitting device popularized in the 1980's. One can easily purchase bean bag chairs at retailers such as Overstock, Amazon, and Walmart.
Bean bag chairs have been popular for several decades now. Mainly because they are so comfortable. Now one can get not only a comfortable bean bag chair but a personalized one, too. A great place to get personalized bean bag chairs for kids is Lillian Vernon.
One can purchase giant bean bag chairs from a variety of stores. Brookstone, Amazon, Lovesac, Target, Ultimate Sack, and Overstock sell giant bean bag chairs.
One can purchase an affordable bean bag chair online from many sites. Some of the best sites where one can easily find bean bags are eBay or Amazon or Craigslist.
If you want one that sits on your lap where the lap surface is like a bean-bag then you can get those from Barnes and Noble or Borders. If you want something that's going to sit on your lap with fans that cool your laptop, then I'd suggest going to a Best Buy. If you're looking more for an actual desk (with legs, where it doesn't rest on your lap) then try a Bed, Bath and Beyond or other 'home' store.
Target, Walmart, and KMart all have bean bag chairs for sale depending to the time of year. Other non big box stores include Gallery furniture and American Bean Bag Co.