The one that you will likely have to handle the most is chlorine. However, recently a new cleaner has come out that is made up of certain salts that are less harsh on peoples skin. Ask your local pool professionals about it.
form_title= Swimming Pool Supplies form_header= Get all the pool supplies you need to enjoy your summer. What is the square footage of your swimming pool?*= _ [50] Is your pool in ground or above ground?*= () In Ground () Above Ground What supplies do you need?*= _ [50]
You can find commercial swimming pool supplies at,,, and
PRWeb is a free website that offers deep discounts on swimming pool equipment. The website has discount and premium pools for sale, starting at under $200. is a site the provides a way to display Press Releases.
It really depends on the type of pool you have and the items that you are looking for. There are several websites of trusted companies that offer discounts and also have sales on various swimming pool supplies.
Leslies Swimming Pool Supplies Boston has swimming pool covers. You can also purchase them online at several different websites
I think its leslie's pool supplies
The person who founded Leslie's Swimming Pool supplies was Phil Leslie who started in 1963 in a single location based in North Hollywood, California, USA.
Sanitation supplies like chemicals and pumps are essential for the upkeep of a new pool. Items such as toys, cleaners, and safety equipment are also wise purchases for one opening a new pool.
You can buy a swimming pool heater in the Burlington, Vermont are at Leslie's Pool Supplies. They have a great selection.
"Sears offers a variety of pool supplies. These pool supplies include chemicals, safety equipment, toys, parts and almost anything else that might be needed to operate and maintain a pool."
Depending on where you live, there are many places to purchase affordable commercial swimming pool supplies. Another option is an online store They have a large selection and great prices.
SchwimmbadAn open-air swimming pool is also known as a Freibad