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Aerodynamics is essentially how efficient something can move through the air. If an object is MORE aerodynamic, then it will travel with less resistance, and vice versa.

The same applies for water, if you try to push a large flat object through water, it will encounter resistance and be difficult to move. For example, the palm of your hand with the fingers closed.

Because each force has an equal opposite, you push the water with your hand and it pushes back, propelling you forward and the water backwards.

This is less efficient if you try it with your hand pointing sideways. Why? It is more aerodynamic that way.

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 16y ago

Buoyancy, Mass, resistance, propulsive forces (drag and lift)

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โˆ™ 12y ago

1. action reaction

2. 3rd law of motion which is THE LAW OF ATTRACTION states that in every action there is always a reaction.

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โˆ™ 13y ago

angle of projection, height of projection, speed of release, following through w/each stroke, acceleration, newtons 2nd law, inertia, momentum, summation of forces, leverage.

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