Being able to row... You gain strong back and thigh muscles. Rowing is a great sport for all around fitness too.
Most common is some form of injury of the back. You can injure many muscels because a lot of muscels activate in rowing, but if you have proper rowing skills you shouldn't have any trouble with injuries, only with pain ;)
Cincinnati Junior Rowing Club Greater Dayton Rowing Assoc. Cleveland Scholastic Rowing Assoc. To name a few
Rowing machines should be used by children 12 and older. A child younger than that does not have the proper skills to operate the machine properly.
You dont play rowing you row(insert what you are rowing here)
Lisa Carrington for rowing Mahe Drysdale for rowing Valirie Adams for shot put
How did who become to like rowing?
rowing machine, run
Yes, rowing is a verb.
Rowing and tug of war. Tug of war and rowing.
An indoor rower, or rowing machine, is a machine used to simulate the action if watercraft rowing for the purpose of exercise or training for rowing. Concept2 is a company selling rowing machines.