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There are four primary types of brush strokes though the stroke will change with brush type. The strokes are the flat brush, the bright brush, the filbert brush, and the round brush.

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Q: What are some different types of brush strokes?
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There is no specific breed of horse that does not like to be brushed. All horses are individuals and some do not like certain types of brushes. Typically a horse that does not like to be brushed is just sensitive and is being brushed too hard or with too rough/ stiff of a brush. To remedy this either use lighter, more gentle strokes or try a softer bristled brush.

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I normally mix two different kind of conditioners. I mix some suave with VO5 and it works really well for me because it gets all of the tangles out, easy to brush and it smells awesome.

Why did some critics dislike Manet's Le dejeuner sur lherbe when it was first shown?

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Why did some critics dislike Manet's 'Le déjeuner sur l'herbe' when it was first shown?

The brush strokes were plainly visible. It violated the rules of perspective.It looked like parts of the painting were unfinished. All of these are correct

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Brush, brush, brush brush. And brush some more.

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