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there are three main parts that come with a parachute. there's the chute, the draglines, and the weight or mass (could be a human). then there's also the hole in the top of the chute.

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Scarlett Bashirian

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2y ago
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15y ago

Not really an easy one to answer. The parachute usually refers to the nylon canopy, which is a non-rigid wing. It has a leading edge, cells (normally nine or seven), ribs, cross cell vents, and perhaps cross bracing. The rigging is cascaded to the risers and the outside trailing edges are run to the steering toggles.

The idea is to decelerate a person in free fall and then give some control and forward drive when the parachute is open. You steer by deforming the rear outside edges, which causes drag, the other side then flies around the deformed side. You can stall the canopy by pulling both steering toggles. This can be done any time, but is usually a landing technique- flaring, or part of the "control check" just after opening.

The canopy has a small rectangular "slider" that slows the opening, but isn't really part of the parachute.

This would be a lot easier with diagrams and videos.

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12y ago

It has to do with arrow dinamics because of the center it collects air so it's compacted.

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Q: What are all of the parts of a parachute and what are all their roles Physics?
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