I think you meant DD points. Those are for diving. They stand for Degree of Difficulty.
Really bad bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd i dont know bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd
Where you do not get points on British Dressage or you are not a member of BD and can still compete
There are no Swimming points, xD that's a lie, just go the zone past that part.
If bd ≠ 0, then a/b + c/d (the common denominator is bd) = (a x d)/(b x d) + (c x b)/(d x b) = ad/bd + cb/db = ad/bd + cb/bd = (ad + cb)/ bd
Swimming competition usually work like this. When you swim, you get a certain amount of points for your team depending on the place you get. Usually, first place earns 5, second earns 3, and third earns 1. However, relays get more points.
It depends, time or points. You want a low time. You want a lot of points.
BD Cine was created in 1995.
It keeps you fit and is fun Please give me trust points
Clean water Kills Bacteria in swimming pools
No, four lines can can have 6 total intersections. They would be Ab, Ac, Ad, Bc, Bd, and Cd
For coming to BD and fly from BD