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protect you from getting eaten by sharks

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Q: What advantage is greater body fat?
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What advantage is cholesterol to the body?

it reduces fat in your body

Where is excess fat a greater risk?

Excess fat around the _______ represents a greater risk to health than excess fat elsewhere on the body.

A body that can store fat has the advantage of possessing?

Stored energy

What are the advantages and disadvantages of thin and fat client?

There are both disadvantages and advantages of being a thin and fat client. Health reason can be an advantage for a thin client and a disadvantage for a fat client. Body temperature can be a disadvantage for a thin client and an advantage for a fat client.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of fat?

The advantage - our bodies need a certain amount of fat - to keep our inner organs warm, and to provide a source of energy. The disadvantage - too much fat puts a strain on the body, and leads to heart disease.

How does body fat affect alcohol absorption?

Body fat does not absorb alcohol so the fatter a person is, the greater the concentration of alcohol in the blood, other things being equal.

You lost weight but gained body fat?

If you were to lose only muscle mass, your total weight would decrease, but your body fat percentage would increase, as you'd be a greater percent body fat.

What is 1 advantage of having low body fat to enhance athletic performance?

No fat = no useless weight to move forward, because fat doesn't give power. That only comes from mucles, which is red meat.

Does building muscle mean burning fat?

The process of building muscle doesn't directly require fat burning. If you have excess fat, however, the body can take advantage of that and utilize it to gain the energy necessary to build muscle.

What is the advantage of having large vetebrae at the base of the vetebral column?

The weight of the upper body is distributed across a greater area of the vertebrae.

Does having a greater percentage of body fat decrease sporting activity?

no it does not, actually it can help you if you fall down on a cold day.

What does BMI greater than 25 mean?

That means your body weight is made up of more than 25% fat. BMI stands for Body Mass Index.