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Q: What advantage do free swimming larvae provide for the echinoderms?
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What advantage do free-swimming larvae provide for the echinoderms?

The free-swimming larvae can travel much greater distances than the bottom-dwelling adults, increasing their range. If the environmental conditions for the adults become bad, the larvae can travel to another area that may be more favorable.

What is the advantage to a sessile animal of producing free swimming larvae?

Producing free-swimming larvae allows sessile animals to disperse and colonize new areas effectively. This strategy increases survival rates by reducing competition for resources within the parents' habitat and minimizing the likelihood of inbreeding.

What happens to echinoderm larvae when they metamorphose into adults?

Echinoderms have swimming larvae that are bilaterally symmetrical, with left and right sides, but they do not 'develop into' bottom-living adult echinoderms, which are radially symmetrical, often star-shaped. The juvenile (young adult), radial from the start, grows from a group of stem cells within the larva. It gradually moves to the outside of the larva, and the larva and juvenile develop side-by-side. In most cases, the larva eventually settles and shrivels, and the juvenile crawls away. In one species of starfish, however, the juvenile drops off the swimming larva, which can go on swimming for a further three months.

How many body openings do echinoderns have?

Adult echinoderms only have one body opening. Their larvae have two.

What are Free-swimming larvae?

the larvae can swim, hide, eat, grow, and move away from danger.

Which animal has radial symmetry?

Cnidarians are true radially symmetrical animals. They include jellyfish. Echinoderms (like starfish) also display radial symmetry. It is important to note that the larvae of echinoderms are bilaterally symmetrical and that Echinoderms evolved from a bilaterally symmetrical group.

Can a sea urchins live out of water?

yes they do they hatch into swimming larvae

What are white tiny fish like things in swimming pools?

Most probable answer is mosquito larvae.

What are amphibian larvae?

Larvae are the hatched form of an amphibian that is different from the adult. A larva of an amphibian may be free swimming (e.g. tadpoles) before the metamorphosis to an adult (e.g. a frog).

Why are echinoderms unable to survive on land?

because they have some specialities to which they can only survive in the water such as they begin their lives as free swimming bilaterally symmetrical larvae etc.for e.g:star fish,sand dollar,sea-cucumber etc. Because they did not come to land. First one to come to land are amphibians but they are going to water for reproduction. Reptiles are the first form to fully adapt for terrestial environment.

Why do many benthic invertebrates produce planktonic larvae?

To aid dispersal of their larvae. To avoid desiccation. To provide food for crustaceans. To help stabilize oyster beds. Benthic invertebrates don't produce planktonic larvae.

What is the free swimming ciliated fertilized egg found in jellyfish called?

A fertilized egg in a jellyfish develops into a planula. These free swimming larvae are ciliated and shaped like small flattened pears.