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Q: The nasa crew that controls spaceflights is called?
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What is the NASA crew that controls spaceflight called?

national aeronautics or space adminstration

What is the name of the NASA crew that controls space flights?

National aeronautics and space adminstration.

Where NASA crew came from?

The N.A.S.A crew come from all over the U.S.A.

How does NASA control rover on mars?

By sophisticated remote controls located in the Aerospace center in NASA.

What is the name of the crew capsule of NASA's Constellation program?

The crew capsule of NASA's Constellation program was called Orion. It was intended to carry astronauts to the International Space Station and beyond, with plans for deep space missions to the Moon and Mars.

The name of the crew capsule of NASA's Constellation program?

The crew capsule of NASA's Constellation program was named Orion. It was designed to carry astronauts to the International Space Station, the Moon, and potentially beyond.

What are the People Who Work at NASA Called?

People who work at NASA are typically called "NASA employees" or "NASA staff." They can have various roles within the organization, such as scientists, engineers, astronauts, administrators, and technicians.

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What the NASA people called NASA main server?

The main NASA server is known as the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division Pleiades supercomputer.

Who planned Apollo 11?

NASA adminstrators and all the various department heads and crew managers.

What is NASA's latest mission?

what NASA's latest mission is called

What NASA space mission had crews consisting of 3 persons?

The Apollo missions each had a crew of three.