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Red because it has the shortest wavelength. Then you lose orange, green,blue, violet.

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Q: The first color lost in the spectrum upon descent during a dive is?
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Which scientist found spectrum of color?

The Colour Spectrum was first defined by Isaac Newton (1666) during his experiments with a prism.

When was the color wheel first discovered?

The color wheel was first documented by Sir Isaac Newton in 1704 when he developed the first circular diagram of colors in a spectrum.

What is the first color lost in the spectrum when descending in a dive?


Why is the color red at the top of the color wheel?

Red is at the top of the color wheel because red is the first color in the visible spectrum.

Who invented the color spectrum?

Isaac Newton is credited with creating the first color spectrum by passing white light through a prism and observing the separation of colors. This led to the discovery of the visible spectrum of light.

What are the first and last colors on the visible spectrum?

The first color is red and the last color is violet. The visible spectrum of light ranges from longer wavelengths (red) to shorter wavelengths (violet), with colors like orange, yellow, green, and blue in between.

What color was John Hanson first president of the united states?

Hanson was a white Caucasian of English descent, if that is what you want to know.

When was First Descent created?

First Descent was created on 2005-12-02.

What is red?

Red is a color at the end of the visible spectrum of light, next to orange and opposite violet. It is often associated with passion, love, warmth, and power.

What is the duration of The Descent?

The duration of First Descent is 1.83 hours.

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Descent with modification (Apex)

Who discovered the dark line spectrum?

The dark line spectrum was first observed by Joseph von Fraunhofer in 1814 during his study of the Sun's spectrum. These dark lines are now known as Fraunhofer lines and are caused by absorption of specific wavelengths of light by various elements in the Sun's atmosphere.