Let him do it, he may not listen to you but when his friends razz him about it later he may never wear it again.
Another opinion:
Let him. Speedos are worn by serious swimmers anyway. Some men even have the self confidence to wear thong swimsuits.
Wearing a thong or speedo does not make you gay, it just shows you have self confidence with your body.
I am comfortable in a thong swimsuit and I am not gay, as my girlfriend will testify.
Wearing a speedo or thong will not turn your son gay, otherwise we would have an instant cure for turning gay men straight, just make them wear long surf shorts.
The only thing you want to mention to him is that if he wears speedos and thongs when most others around him are not he may get grief from some of the other boys and possibly attention from men who are gay. You need to teach him how to deal with both, whether he is wearing a thong or not.
Another opinion:
Wearing a thong will not make him gay. I am 33 years old and I have been married for 6 years. I wear a thong at the beach. I have worked out for over 20 years and I have a very muscular body (not muscle bound). I have worked hard to get the body I have and I am proud to show it off. My wife loves for me to wear a thong.
A man should have a nice body to wear a thong. Nothing worse than a fat man (or woman) in a thong.
Speedo and thong in Europe a common suite. Let him do it !
One can purchase swim bags from Speedo's and Dicks Sporting Good's official websites. If one wants to shop for a good deal, Amazon also sells swim bags.
Just simply ask your parents for some speedo swimming trunks or buy them yourself
The Undie Factory
Speedo Racer LZR Elite
Speedos are worn by swimmers for competition. If you feel comfortable wearing them at the beach, go ahead and wear them.
The cast of Afternoon Swim - 2010 includes: Chris Funari as Speedo Stu
skin tight speedo swim-suits
LZR was designed by Speedo and NASA after the 2004 Olympics
speedos are gross wear nothing!........or wear swim strunks wat ever u want