I would not recommend it while in the first trimester. The baby's life is just too fragile.
If they have a splint on they should not go swimming in the firstplace. If they havent been to a doctor they need to go and if they have and the doctor splint it they should be resting not swimming.
Swimming during your period is fine as long as you wear a tampon which should be changed before and after you go swimming
of course it will come back out.. where did you think it would go? cant help with the clots though...
I think that swimming should be done by everyone. It makes you strong, fit, big (muscles). Also it is good to be able to go to the beach and stuff and show off your skills to your mates! Keep trying people.
You should check your local swimming pool. Or you can see a YMCA.
it means your flow is going in a different direction and you shouldn't try to conceive until you had your period and its over for that month and do NOT go swimming while you are on your period it wont attracted sharks but with your problems you will get a UTI because your flow is so different then mine and if doing what i say doesnt help or it gets worst go to a doctor straight away.
Pretty sure that's just a myth. Lots of couples trying to conceive have used some brand of birth control pill as a form of protection & when they decide to go off of the contraceptive, they are more likely to conceive & have either or.
So you can just have fun in the jungle and go swimming
If you can get into Yale, go to Yale.
You can go swimming if you have a cold. You should make sure you eat enough to sustain you about 1-2 hours before you go and take plenty of water with you.It is probably not a good idea to go swimming if you have a cold. Your body is trying to fight the infection and you need to rest so it can do so. If you do need to go swimming then you should make it a light workout.
Just wash out the chemicals, you should be fine. Just don't go swimming after the relaxer because it is bad for your hair.