Can someone tell what primary & high school that Layne Beachley went to.
Layne Beachley's birth name is Layne Collette Beachley.
layne beachley is a champion sufer she has won 7 times .
Layne Beachley goes by Gidget, and Beach.
Layne Beachley's email
layne beachley
The Daily Habit - 2005 Kristian Svitak and Layne Beachley 2-149 was released on: USA: 25 January 2007
Layne Beachley is probably the most famous surfer in Australia.
layne beachly went to wadalba high school from year 7 up to year 12 and started surfing as soon as she finished high school.
Nicole Kidman is a kiwi, so technically she is not Australian. their is Nikki Webster, Kathy Freeman, Miranda Kerr, Layne beachley. they are the only ones i know that are really famous.