Not yet. Even if we solve the question of breathing underwater, our skins aren't designed to be in water too long. I suppose science may find a way to let us live underwater eventually, we certainly can't do it now.
Only if you have any Scuba gear or something. If you mean breathing water then it's impossible without any gills, which is hard to actually give to humans. I'm not saying that's not possible.
you can't breathe underwater
No, the arctic fox cannot breathe underwater.
Without proper equipment no human can breathe underwater anywhere.
No, garden snails cannot breathe underwater as they require air to breathe. They have lungs and need to surface to breathe air.
Of course not. Humans are only able to breathe underwater for a few seconds.
The enchantment, Respiration, will help you breathe underwater. Not only that, but it makes your vision clearer while swimming underwater.
A salamander has both lungs and gills to breathe underwater. I found a good site if you want to read more about them.
they breathe underwater!
Yes because Poseidon is an underwater god .
No, land snails cannot breathe underwater. They have lungs and need air to breathe. If they are submerged in water for too long, they will drown.
No they can't.