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Yes - but your eyes will probably be a bit more sensitive to the chlorine and any other chemicals in the water. If it's daytime it will be tough to protect your eyes from bright sunlight while swimming. Also, since your vision will probably be blurred, you will be at a bit more risk of accidents so it might be wiser to wait a bit until it clears up.

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Can you swim after my eyes were dilated

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Q: My eyes were dilated can you go swimming?
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What are dilated eyes?

When the pupils become large, the term for this is dilated pupils. (Some people just say "dilated eyes", although this isn't a precise way to conceptualize it.)

Can dilated eyes be undulated?

"Undulated", no.

Are dogs excited when there eyes are dilated?

Yes... or no. Dilated pupils either signify excitement or fear.

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ill tell you tomorrow im getting mine dilated!

Is swimming in a beach bad for your eyes?

It can make your eyes hurt but it won't cause you to go blind

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i lol'd.

Can you put your contacts on after your eyes have been dilated?

i think you can

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One of the signs doctors look for in pronouncing a person dead is "pupils fixed and dilated".

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they will have dilated eyes, seem really energetic and talk in an excited way. If they are bouncing off the walls with dilated eyes, they're probably coked out!

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When you get your eyes dilated and the back of the eyes are bleeding, it may indicate a condition called diabetic retinopathy. If left untreated, it can lead to vision loss. Early detection and treatment through procedures like laser therapy or surgery can help manage the condition and preserve vision. It is crucial to consult an eye specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What could someone be doing if you see their eyes are dilated and their eyes are red?

SmokinG some weeD

What is the longest you can be dilated before you go into labor?

you can be dilated for months before you actually go into labor.