No. It depends. If this is your cousin's first time going skydiving, you should be worried. If your cousin has many dives under his/her belt, then you shouldn't be too worried.
Does the friend has the history of stealing. If he does then you should be worried, but if he does not you should not be worried. But to be safe, you can keep you stuff on safe place to avoid excuses.
I would be worried about any individual who was notworried. It is human nature to be concerned and nervous about the unknown.
Yes, VERY!! YOU ARE PROBABLY GOING TO GET KILLED THEN!!! no because everyone dies its just a part of life so get over it!! Well, if it's not your time then you should be worried, very worried.
if they are going by themselves YES! especailly if she is not dating anyone else... if he is going with her and her boyfriend then probably not...
no there cousins
yes you are going to die now =)
yes he is going to my cousins college
No you shouldn't . What have we that the want potatoes, leprechaun's and Guinness. I doubt they'll come to Ireland
ask him wats going on and if you catch him cheatin, just dump him.
That's a weird relationship between cousins of any race unless your gypsy, they marry their cousins to keep their bloodline on- going. I have many gypsy friends and for them it's the norm.
No, seeing they're cousins ?
to start with you should stop being worried by this.