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yes but not professionally

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Q: Is there rowing on the Rhine?
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Related questions

What do people use the Rhine for?

People use the Rhine River for many things. They use it for fishing, boating, rowing, and sailing. They have used it to transport goods between towns as well.

How do you play rowing?

You dont play rowing you row(insert what you are rowing here)

Which sports involving rowing?


How did they get into rowing?

How did who become to like rowing?

What is more of a sport dancing or rowing?


Is rowing a verb?

Yes, rowing is a verb.

What 3 olympic sports does winner cross finish line going backwards?

Rowing and tug of war. Tug of war and rowing.

What type of machine is a concept rowing machine?

An indoor rower, or rowing machine, is a machine used to simulate the action if watercraft rowing for the purpose of exercise or training for rowing. Concept2 is a company selling rowing machines.

Which European river starts in the Swiss alps and runs north until it empties into the North Sea?

The river Rhine.

What is another word for rowing ships?

Rowing boats.

How do you stop the oars on a rowing boat?

stop rowing

What are rowing ships called?

It depends on what you can afford, rowers tend to uses Empachers. (but they are really expensive)