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No, but it's not just leaving a space in your party,here, I'll explain it to you... You go to Rustboro City and go near the cave where you saved Peeko for the old man and catch a Nincada. You must have atleast 1 pokeball in your bag and have atleast 1 space left in your party. You train Nincada to level 20 and it will evolve into Ninjask. But, the Ninjask sheds its skin and become Shedinja. It goes in the empty pokeball in your bag and goes to the empty space in your party, and vuala, you have a Shedinja! Pretty simple, isn't it?=) Lata =~

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Q: Is there any other way to get Shedinja other than leaving a space in your party?
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How do you spare slot in party in Pokemon emerald to get Shedinja?

In the party you should have an open space for shedinja once your nincada evolved shedinja should appear in the open slot

Where do you get a shedinja in pokemon diamond?

You need to have an empty space in your party when the nincada evolves. It will still evolve into ninjask, but the empty space will be filled with the 'shell', shedinja.

How do you get shedinga?

Shedinja: catch a Nincada and train it to level 20 but make sure you have an empty space in your party and a POKEBALL(only that will work) and when it evolvesyou will get both Ninjask and Shedinja(which apears in the empty Pokeball&party space

How do you get an shedinja?

To get a Shedinja in Pokémon games, you need to have a Pokémon with the ability Wonder Guard and an empty slot in your party when evolving Nincada into Ninjask. When Nincada evolves into Ninjask, Shedinja will appear in your party if all the conditions are met.

How do you catch shedinja in Pokemon diamond?

First all you need is to have a free space in your party and a nincanda raise your nincanda at 20 level and it will evolve into ninjask in the free space you had, the shedinja will appear

How do you get the Pokemon shedengja in Pokemon ruby?

To get Shedinja you need to a Nincada. Level up your nincada, but make sure you have an empty space in your party. level up nincada to level 20 and it will evolve into ninjask. then look in your party... you will have a pokeball with shedinja in the empty space

What level ninjask evolve to Shedinja Pokemon ruby?

You can only get Shedinja if you have and extra space in your party and an extra pokeball when Nincada evolves into Ninjask. It is a "special" or "castoff" evolution.

How do you catch sedinja?

to catch shedinja, you must evolve it from a nincada. when it evolves at level 20-i think, have an empty space in your Pokemon party. if you do not, nicada will only evolve into ninjask. so, if you havbe an empty space in your party, you get ninjask and shedinja. so, its kinda like 2 for the price of 1! heres an easier perspective: nincada-lv 20=ninjask+empty slot in party=ninjask and shedinja. hope i helped u!

How do you get shedinja?

Evolve a nincada and make sure an extra space in your party is empty. Example you have 5 Pokemon not 6. Then it will become ninjask like always and shedinja will appear in the empty spot.

Which level dose nincada evolve?

Nincada evolves at level 20. If you have a free space in your party, you will also get a Shedinja.

How does nincada evolve into shedinja?

Nincada evolves into ninjask at level 20, but you have to leave an open space in your party because after Nincada evolves, a Shedinja appears. My Shedinja appeared at level 27 with a max HP of 1. But this isn't a problem because Shedinja's "wonder guard" prevents any critical attacks.

How do you evade nincada into shedinja in HeartGold?

Level up nincada to level 20 so it evolves to ninjask have a pokeball in your inventory and keep the last space in your party empty when nincada evolves u should see a shedinja in ur party problem solved