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a monkey isn't it obvious oh and by the way you said swim 2 times

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Q: Is there an animal that can swim run climb and swim?
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Which animal can swim climb and sit upright?

the sloth. it can swim, climb trees and sit upright

How a green tree frog moves?

They can walk, run, swim, leap, and climb.

What animal can't fly swim or climb a tree?

Chickens, elephants, whales... I think that's about it.

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To run, to swim, to climb trees, and to fight

What cool things can a jaguar do?

Jaguars are powerful predators known for their exceptional ability to swim and climb trees. They have strong jaws capable of piercing skulls, allowing them to hunt a variety of prey including large mammals, fish, and reptiles. Jaguars also have excellent night vision, making them effective hunters in low-light conditions.

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Shower, fall, change clothes, run, climb rope, swim

Which is the only animal which can swim climb tree stand and sit upright?

Only? There's more than one.HumansSlothsKoala Bears

What kind of movement does a Siberian tiger use?

The Siberian Tiger can run, climb, leap, and swim. Tigers stalk and kill their prey alone.

Work out routines for kids?

It's called "play". Kids need to run, ride bicycles, swim, climb on things... that's all the exercise they need.

Example of noun and verb words?

noun- dog, dave, building, chair, popsicle, pencil verb- run, swim, climb, smelled, blinked, joke

What big cat can swim and climb trees?

an elephant

What do jaguars like to do?

Adult Jaguars have no time for play- unless with their cubs. Cubs tend to wrestle, climb, run, and swim.