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It is a behavioral adaptation. You are changing how you behave. Not how your body looks.

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Q: Is swimming a physical or behavioral adaptation?
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Ur big booty

What is the difference between physical and behavioral adaptation?

Physical adaptation involves changes in an organism's physical structure or appearance to help it survive in its environment, while behavioral adaptation refers to changes in an organism's behavior or actions to improve its chances of survival. Physical adaptations can include things like camouflage or protective shells, while behavioral adaptations can include hunting strategies or migration patterns.

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A behavioral adaptation

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Hibernation is a behavioral adaptation. A behavioral adaptation is when a animal changes its behavior.

Is the glowing tail of a firefly a structural behavioral or physical adaptation?

The glowing tail of a firefly is a physical adaptation. Fireflies produce light through a process called bioluminescence, which is a chemical reaction that allows them to emit light. This adaptation helps fireflies to attract mates, warn predators, and communicate with each other.

Do jackrabbits have physical or behavioral adaptations?

No animal can survive without both. Even having legs is a physical adaptation. If an animal had no behavioral adaptations, it would just sit in one place and die of starvation. So jackrabbits have both physical and behavioral adaptations.