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Q: Is salmon swimming upstream innate behavior or learned behavior?
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Is a cat walking a innate or learned behavior?

It is completely a innate behavior, that's like asking if we walking is innate or learned

What is the Opposite of learned behavior?

i think its innate behavior but depending on the context, it could also be learned helplessness,too

What is opposite to innate behavior?

learned behavior

What is the combination of innate behavior and learned behavior?

The combination of innate behavior and learned behavior is known as a complex behavior. Complex behaviors are influenced by both genetic factors (innate behavior) and environmental factors (learned behavior), resulting in a more intricate and adaptable response to stimuli or situations.

Breathing is what kind of behavior innate or learned?

Breathing is an innate behavior that is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. It is essential for survival and is not learned, as even newborns automatically know how to breathe.

Do cows and horses have innate and learened behavior?

Yes, cows and horses have innate and learned behavior.

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What type of behavior does placental mammals have?

they have both innate and learned behavior.

What is the difference between innate and learned behavior?

Innate behaviors are instinctual and present at birth, while learned behaviors are acquired through experience or observation. Innate behaviors are genetically determined and typically do not require prior experience to be exhibited, whereas learned behaviors require practice and exposure to the environment.

Do bees have any innate learned behaviors?

Your question is meaningless an innate behavior is one that is present at birth and therefore by definition can not be learned. Thus the words "innate learned behaviors" are just wrong!

What is one innate behavior of a raccoon?

The springtime birth of kits would be an innate behavior, as is copulation and swimming.

Does coral have innate or learned behavior?

Coral has innate behavior, not learned. They operate essentially the same way in all environments and do not show signs of being able to learn anything new.