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Q: Is it weird if you feel like there are things swimming in your tap water?
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Why cildren hate swimming caps?

They are a hassle to put on. The feel weird. They squeeze their head.

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Can't help it, hormones make people feel weird things.

What are dehydrated?

It's when you dont drink enough water and you feel sick and weird.

Why might you feel cool on a hot day when you get out of a swimming pool?

because you feel the water evaporating on your scin and that cools it

When you get out of the sea you often feel colder than when swimming why?

Because you can feel the wind on the water on your body - heat loss by evaporation.

What are facts about hallucinogens?

1) see things only you can see 2)feel very weird and trippy

How can water be detected?

if it's not clear.. it's polluted if it tastes's polluted if there are dead things in's polluted if you feel sick's polluted if it's polluted

What type of energy transfer is responsible for making you feel cold when you are swimming in cool water?

Convection is the primary type of energy transfer responsible for making you feel cold when swimming in cool water. As your body interacts with the cooler water, it absorbs heat, causing you to experience a sensation of coldness.

How do you feel when you touch the body of a fish?

I feel weird because it feels all scaly and weird.

Why does neurontin make you feel weird?

Neurontin makes you feel weird because of the opiate withdrawal syndrome.

Can you put webkinz in water?

They will feel && look weird, BUT! they are your webkinz and therefore what you do with them are your decisions.i put my gecko in and nothin happined

Why does your skin feel tight after swimming in the ocean?

you're skin feels tight because of the salt water, which makes your body feel not as loose as it usually does