Usually it is fine. Air has been filtered before being compressed in the cylinder, and it does not go "off". However, if it is a really really old cylinder, the cylinder itself may have deteriorated and may not be safe to use until it has been hydrostatically tested.
Think about it. If it can't get out, nothing can get in. I have never had a problem with "stale" air in a Scuba tank. An air fill is relatively cheap so if in doubt, dump it out and refill.You want to be as comfortable as you can on your dive, no sense in worrying about your air quality.
The use of an oxygen analyzer would be advised. Most nitrox and technical divers have one.
NO! The tank must be visually inspected by a professional at a dive shop every year. Bleed the tank and have it inspected and re-filled. Don't take a chance on the inside of the tank rusting and breathing that stuff in.
a 20 year old tank will need to be sent out for hydrostatic inspection as well as an internal visual inspection. If there is corrosion present a tumbling may be required as well, using aggragate to "clean" the inside of the tank. A 20 year old tank may past hydro, but may not. If it fails hydro it is unsafe to dive. Note no scuba center will fill a 20 year old tank unless you have it hyrdo'ed and passed.
its is cause the old ladys skin is flapping in the air ;D
10 years old or older
You can get him a noodle or tube both of which float and he can hold on to. You could also get him so dive sticks which he can go under water and retrieve.
When your pokemon uses surf and you see a dark patch of water move on top of it and click the A button and you dive into a old ruin.
To dive for Cap'n Salty's lost lobster trap at Puffin Point, you need diving gear. Catch the old photo that is blowing in the air by the lighthouse, and swap it for diving gear at the Say Cheese photo shop.
A dive restaurant means a rundown old restaurant whee only the locals hang out.
there is not an age you it depends on your experience
The tank comes with a residual air pressure of about 40 PSI. This can be regulated through the air nipple at top of tank. If you are going to use 30/50 as is common, then set tank air to 28 by adding or letting air out of this nipple while the tank is empty of water. After setting this pressure, adjust the pressure switch to come ON at 2 psi above this , ie 30 PSI. Now when the water level lowers in the bladder the pump will switch ON before the tank is empty. If tank residual pressure is very low on an old tank it is possible that your bladder has holes.
Specify "old man."