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Yes, of course.

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Q: Is it safe to swim in water after losing virginity?
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Related questions

Is it safe to go in a swimming pool after losing mucus plug?

It is safe to swim in a pool after losing your mucus plug because your membranes are what's keeping the baby safe. Your membranes break when your water breaks.

What can you do to be safe in water?

learn to swim

What is the difference between deep water and shallow water?

Its better to swim in the deep water but if you have a child its safe to swim in the shallow water.

Can you swim after losing your mucus plug?

After checking with an OB, it is safe to swim in a swimming pool after your mucus plug has come away. Once your waters break, under no circumstances should you sit/swim in any stagnant water, even a personal swimming pool. The baby is no longer protected by the amniotic fluid.

Why does Michael Phelps swim?

His mom wanted him to be water safe

Is it safe to swim with Phosfree n the water?

i don't think so

How long will it be till you can swim where the oil spill hit?

It will Not be safe to swim in the ocean water off the coast of Louisiana, where the oil is leaking and it will not be safe, until they stop the well from leaking, which may not be for quite a long time. I doubt it it will be safe to swim in that location (in the ocean) until 2011 at the earliest.

When is it safe in the spring to swim in your pool?

This is your choice and depends especially to your resistance to cold water.

What precautions to be taken for a safe swim?

wear a life jacket Don't swim alone. Don't swim where there are strong currents. Know the water and the bottom of the area you are swimming (watch where you dive).

Is it safe to swim in a cloudy hotel pool?

yes.. it has a low pH ... acid rain... so you need to add pH plus.

Is it safe to swim with whales?

yes it is safe

Is it safe to swim in salt water pools when pregnant?

yes.also swimming is a good exercise during pregnancy.