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Here is the deal. a "salt water pool" IS a chlorine pool. Only difference is, on a chlorine pool u add chlorine. In a salt pool u add salt and a "Salt Generator" turns the sslt into chlorine... so really both pools use chlorine.... Just saves u the trouble of messing with chlorine and chlorine shocks..

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16y ago
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14y ago

Yes. a snake can go about anywhere it has a mind to. They climb trees, go up drain pipes to get on a roof. It surely could climb a step ladder to get into the pool. It more than likely wouldn't want to if chlorine was present.

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19y ago

YES , I get about three snakes a year in our swimming pool . Our pool is completely screen enclosed , but they still get in .

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14y ago

it all depends on how high the pool is. if its more than 3 feet im pretty sure they cant. unless its a rough surface on the outside.

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10y ago

I am not an expert but from personal experience I can say that they can. We had a 10 foot concrete pool with a 6 foot tile block fence and found a 6 foot snake swimming in our pool one day.

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12y ago

No it is not. The snake may bite you. It is not good if a snake bites you.

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Q: Is it safe for a snake to go swimming in a swimming pool?
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Une piscine is a swimming pool in English.

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The best place to go swimming would be at your local community pool. This will provide a safe guarded environment. If you are looking to try something more adventurous, look for a local lake that allows swimming, or perhaps head to the beach!

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Swimming in a pool with chlorine while on your period is generally safe and shouldn't cause any issues. The chlorine in the pool will kill off most bacteria, and any menstrual blood will be diluted in the pool water. It's important to wear tampons or menstrual cups while swimming to prevent leakage.

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All of the expansions pack have a swimming pool in them just go to the build mode them press the other things button then press the one that has a swimming pool picture on it then go to your backyard then build a pool tada that answers your question right