Yes it is possible to have a small custom sized swimming pool in an airplane. But for this the airplane has to be very big and lots of modifications has to be done to the plane and the pool to prevent water from spilling during takeoff, landing and in turbulence.
The word paper can go before all of them.
The word paper can go before all of them.
Swimming during your period is fine as long as you wear a tampon which should be changed before and after you go swimming
You do not have to. This is an urban myth. You don't have to wait 30 minuted before swimming.
Make yourself a billionaire, then go and buy a aeroplane company then u can have as much aeroplane as u can!
By aeroplane.
Go to the Airport
Yes, you can and people often do.
By aeroplane or boat.
Sure, why not? No reason not to.
you go to a store and get a swimming suit. make sure you try it on before you purchase.