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In short, It depends!

The CD version is great because you can save the file and then you don't have to worry about taking it with you wherever you go in the world as its on you laptop/email or however you would store it. It is also very easy to search for specific things in the manuals as you can use keywords. However, you may be reluctant to take you laptop on a boat or near the water.

The book is also useful as you can take it with you on the boat/near the water with less worry than a laptop and it doesn't need a power source. The downside really is that you have to carry it around with you wherever you are teaching, although that's not as much of a problem any more as the PADI Instructor Manual from last year has been replaced, it's no longer a monster!

It basically comes down to you, whichever you think you would prefer to use on a regular basis. A computer, or a book.

Personally, I wish I had chosen the CD but that is because i had the old (huge) manual and struggled to get that, my dive gear and my clothes on a plane without paying a stack in excess baggage.

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