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The breast stroke is a healthy active swim and is a good all round swimming stroke. It is very excellent exercise.

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Q: Is breast stroke a good all round swimming stroke for exercise?
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How long would it take to burn 1500 calories swimming?

I5 hundred seconds in a round 300 by 400 pool!

Is butterfly stroke a good all round swimming stroke for exercise?

My favorite all around exercise stroke is front crawl. It really gets the cardiovascular system going and is generally considered to be the stroke that propels you (most people) quickest in the water. The butterfly stroke is actually a bit faster, but only among professionals with very good technique. Good butterfly requires exacting technique that the front crawl doesn't. If you're trying to kick your exercise up a notch, try swimming front crawl and increasing the number of strokes per breath. This will force your body to adapt to working on less oxygen and make your muscles more efficient. This is called hypoxic swimming, and the principle can actually be applied to any swim stroke. Any swim stroke can be performed with any level of effort, and because of this any stroke can give good cardio exercise. Typically, though, the front crawl can be done by a beginner and easily involves a good effort from the body.

What is advance swimming?

usually swimming year round or very competitively.

Can you play a morning round and then play a match p m?

You are allowed to play the course prior to a match play round, but not prior to a stroke play round. Penalty for playing the course prior to a stroke play competition is disqualification.

What are symptoms of breast cysts?

the symptoms of breast cysts is a smooth and easily moveable round or oval breast lump, with distinct edges, breast pain or tenderness, increase in breast lump size and breast tenderness just before your period,

How do i calculate the volume of a round swimming pool?

A round swimming pool is a right circular cylinder, so you can use the formula pi times the radius squared times the height to calculate the volume.

What is the amisha patel breast size?


What is the difference between swimming heat and swimming race?

Heats are races. They allow many to compete, with winners moving on to the medal round.

What is the dimension of the swimming pool?

12 ft round by 30 inches deep

How the sperm is specialized?

Long tail for swimming, round head to dig into a egg

What water sports are fun and easy to do in the summer?

The easiest water sport to do in the summer is simply swimming. So long as the water is deep enough and warm enough it is a good all round easy sport that gives lots of exercise.

Does a robins red breast disappear in the summer?

No, a robin's red breast does not disappear in the summer. The red breast is a year-round feature of a robin's appearance and is present regardless of the season.