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Both yes and no. No because it is much larger. Yes because they can both b filled with water.

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Q: Is a vacuole like a swimming pool?
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Can a swimming pool be an analogy of a vacuole?

Yes, a swimming pool can be an analogy of a vacuole in a cell. Just as a swimming pool stores water for a specific purpose, a vacuole in a cell stores substances such as water, nutrients, or waste. Both structures serve to maintain internal balance and support the overall function of their respective systems.

Does Selena Gomez like swimming?

Yes. She does like swimming, but only in the pool.

How do you use alligator in a sentences?

I would like for you to please remove the alligator from my swimming pool. Yes, there's an alligator in my swimming pool. I suppose the alligator mistook my swimming pool for the nearby pond.

How much water in a24x16x16inch swimming pool?

That's more like a bucket then a swimming pool 26.59 gallons 100.65 liters

What is swimming pool in English?

'Swimming Pool', sometimes shortened to 'Pool'.

How is the water in the swimming pool similar to earth's interior?

Pressure inside Earth increases much like pressure in the swimming pool increases.

How do you get rid of black bees that look like flying ants that sting in your swimming pool?

With either a skimming net or get an effective floating pool skimmer

Is swimming in a saltwater swimming pool like swimming in the ocean?

Sorry, but swimming in a saltwater pool is a lot different than swimming in the ocean. In the ocean, pollutants like oil, gasoline, and trash combine with fish urine and dead animals. Another big difference in a pool is that there are no waves! In the ocean, rip tides and tidal waves are a big part of the ocean's cycle. In your pool, waves are non-existent.

What are things swimming in your swimming pool that looks like tiny hammer head sharks and how do you get rid of them?

== == == == == == == ==

Name a job in which you might smell like chlorine?

Pool cleaner, lifeguard, housekeeper, laundromat employee.

What is measurement and label of the swimming pool?

it depends on which swimming pool

Why are swimming pool coopers used?

What are swimming pool "Coopers"