Bill Medley of The Righteous Brothers just turned 69 on Sept. 19, 2009 and lives in Branson, MO and has been performing there for 3 years, presently at Andy Williams Moon River Theater until Oct. 24, 2009, check his website for other tour dates, Nov. 13 in Mississippi for one night, then on to Las Vegas, very busy man.
Bill Medley was born on September 19, 1940
Bill Medley is a/an Singer,songwriter
Bill Medley was born on September 19, 1940.
Bill Medley was born on September 19, 1940.
Bill Medley was born on September 19, 1940
Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes
The cast of Bill Medley Live at the Starlight Theatre - 2010 includes: Bob Gulley as himself McKenna Medley as herself Bill Medley as himself Gabe Rabben as himself
The Righteous Brothers
Bill Medley is still alive - Bobby Hatfield was found dead in his hotel room in 2004 - he apparently died in his sleep.
he is married to Paula Vasu
Between 6ft and 6ft 1in