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Q: Is 26 degrees Celsius good for swimming in an outdoor pool?
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Related questions

What temperature is good for swimming in Las Vegas?

Above 15 degrees Celsius and above 10 if it's heated.

Is 11 degrees celsius hot or cold?

medium- but no good weather for swimming pools!

What is a good water temperature for swimming?

A good water temperature for swimming typically falls between 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit (25-28 degrees Celsius). This range is comfortable for most swimmers and allows for an enjoyable experience without feeling too cold or too warm.

How much is 30 degrees in Fahrenheit?

30 degrees Celsius is equal to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

What are some good outdoor games for teens?

softball, football, baseball, swimming, volleyball and soccer.

What are good sweet 16 party ideas for an outdoor girl?

I would say a swimming pool party!

How many degrees celsius are in 400 degrees Fahrenheit?

400 degrees Celsius is 752 degrees Fahrenheit. And yes that is Hot!

Hoe much is 78 degrees in Celsius?

78 degrees Fahrenheit is approximately 25.6 degrees Celsius.

Would -6 degrees celsius be a good temperature for in-line skating?


What is 38.3 degrees converted?

38.3 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 100.94 degrees Fahrenheit.

What do you have if your temperature is forty degrees Celsius?

A fever. Normal body temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius, so 40 degrees Celsius would indicate a fever. It would be a good idea to monitor your symptoms and consult with a healthcare provider if needed.

What is 23 degrees celsius minus 77 degrees Fahrenheit?

23° Celsius - 25° Celsius (77°F) = -2° Celsius The automatic changing of capital letters to small letters is no good idea! 23°c - 25°c (77°f) = -2°c.