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A pool in our retirement community that is heated to 90 deg. F has been declared too warm for children. Mostly it was babies and toddlers who used the pool with adult supervision while another pool that is 81 degrees was used by older children and community adults. My grandson who is a skinny little kid turned blue within 15 mins. of using the colder pool and I started to shiver in that colder pool. He and I both liked the 90 deg. F. pool just fine as did the other grandparents and toddlers there. We are heart broken that we can no longer use this pool as they brought in a person from the opposite coast from us who tells us that 90 deg. F is too warm for us, that we have to sign waivers to even use it and that the children can no longer use the pool. There is another (indoor) pool at 87 deg. also but they won't let any kid in that pool. That one would be alright temperature wise for us but swimming indoors in summer is not that much fun. What kind of arguments can we use to get them to allow us to use that warmer, 90 deg. F pool? We had been using this pool for the last two years with no incidents. Elizabeth Jetter 2909 Ptarmigan DR. -1 Walnut Creek, CA 04595 925 934 3359

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Q: Is 102 degrees outdoors too hot for swimming?
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The simple answer is: nope! Temperature is only a measurement of how hot or cold something is relative to a fixed reference. Examples are: body temperature of someone with a fever (102 degrees versus the "normal" 98.6 degrees); the temperature of a baking oven (350 degrees); the warmth of water in a swimming pool (95 degrees).

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102 degrees F. A high normal resting temperature is about 39 degrees C in hotter times ...

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Depends on the size, the type of heating element, the water temperature and the ambient air temperature. I used to have a 300 gallon hot tub with a big natural gas heater; it took about 3 hours from "stone cold" to "102 degrees". I now have a 200 gallon tub with a small electrical heater; from 40 degrees to 102 degrees now takes about 20 hours.

Is 11 degrees hot or cold?

medium- but no good weather for Swimming Pools!

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It is recommended that you drain your pool when the temperature is below 88 degrees Fahrenheit because the water will leave mineral deposits behind that are difficult to remove.

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The recommended temperature for a hot tub is around 100-102 degrees Fahrenheit. However, individual preferences may vary, so adjust the temperature to what is comfortable for you while keeping safety in mind. It's also important to not exceed 104 degrees Fahrenheit as higher temperatures can increase the risk of heat-related illnesses.

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Hot, I suppose it depends on your definition of "hot" but no, at least not for the whole month, at least that wasn't the case this year, for example, July 2015 started out at 102 degrees but quickly 'cooled' off to the 90s - 80s & by the end of July it was the 70s with a couple of 60 degree days. In fact July 26th 2015, was a high of 67 degrees.