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Q: Indicate the final pressure group after the following series of dives first dive 50 fet for 23 min surface interval one thirty second dive 35 feet for 46 min?
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What is the final presure group upon surfacing after the following series of dives first dive 50 feet for 23 min surface interval 1.30 second dive 35 feet for 46 min?

The final pressure group you would be in is M.

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The address of the Surface Interval is: 121 Liston Road - Otway, Beaufort, NC 28516-7270

which the conditiondo the following will increase the rate of evaporation in water?

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What causes barometric pressure?

Barometric pressure is caused by the weight of the air pushing down on the Earth's surface. It is influenced by factors such as temperature, altitude, and weather patterns. Changes in barometric pressure can indicate changes in weather conditions.

To calculate the pressure exerted on a surface what quantity is divided by the surface area?

To calculate the pressure exerted on a surface, the force normal to the surface is divided by the surface area. The formula for pressure is pressure = force / area.

Why would detecting a bulge in a volcano be a sign of a coming eruption?

Detecting a bulge in a volcano could indicate a buildup of magma beneath the surface, causing the volcano to swell. This increased pressure could potentially lead to an eruption as the magma seeks a pathway to the surface, releasing the built-up pressure. Monitoring this deformation is crucial for predicting volcanic activity and mitigating potential risks.

What To calculate the pressure exerted on a surface what quantity is divided by the surface area?

To calculate the pressure exerted on a surface, the force acting on the surface is divided by the surface area. Mathematically, pressure = force / area.

How is pressure related to the thrust exerted on a surface?

Pressure is the force exerted per unit area of a surface. The greater the pressure applied on a surface, the greater the thrust exerted on that surface. This relationship is described by the equation: Pressure = Force/Area.

What is the surface pressure on the sun?

The surface pressure of the earth is nominally 1013.25 hectoPascals (hP), which is also referred to as 1 The surface pressure of the earth will vary slightly according to weather conditions.

Dose air in the atmosphere exert pressure on earths surface?

Yes. Atmospheric pressure is the pressure caused by air when it exerts pressure on the surface of earth.

The lines of constant pressure shown on the surface pressure diagram are called?

Line of constant pressure shown on the surface pressure diagram are called isobars. Isobars show areas of high pressure and areas of low pressure. The surface pressure diagram can be used to predict weather patterns.