It is called holding breath so that one can not sink while swimming.
Usually not. You can see their eggs though. These are called nits - from which comes the expression nit-picking!
Swimming can be an adjective, e.g. swimming trunks, or 'a swimming head'. However, it can also be a noun, e.g. 'the sport of swimming', or a verb, 'the boy was swimming'. The present participle of "to swim" it is more technically a gerund used as a noun adjunct. Colloquiallly, a "swimming head" (from a head that is swimming, or confused) is an adjective.
a swimming injury is a cramp in your leg or if you bang your head on the swimming pool ladder !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, it can be considered a compound noun. Swimming is the present participle of the verb "to swim" and is used as a gerund (noun adjunct) to describe the pool. Colloquiallly, a "swimming head" (from a head that is swimming, or confused) is an adjective.
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an opening area on top of head for breathing
you can wear two but you might get a head ache.
those are their breathing holes
it stays on until your not breathing
Not usually...
A. Head B. BMI C. leg muscles D. breathing answer: breathing