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Stop Imagining!

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Q: Imagine you are in a sinking rowing boat Miles from shore Surrounded by shark and pirhanna infested waters How would you escape?
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Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks How would you survive?

stop imagining

Imagine you are in a sinking boat and surrounded by sharks How do you survive?

The answer to this riddle is: To stop imagining.

If you were in the middle of the ocean and your boat is sinking in shark infested waters ... what would you do?


Why are train tracks surrounded by rocks?

They're 'ballast' - something solid to stop the tracks sinking into the ground.

The Titanic was as tall as?

Titanic was as big as the London Bridge. When she rose during the sinking, she was as big as the Empire state building. Imagine being on a ship big as London bridge. Imagine how scary it would be being on a sinking ship as big as the Empire state building.

Who do people think sunk the Titanic?

No person sank the titanic, unless you attribute the sinking to the Captain's recklessness in steaming at full speed at night in potentially ice infested waters when his lookouts had no binoculars.

Coincidence between the death of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and the sinking of the Titanic?

I can not imagine any possible connection between these two events.

Is sinking a verb?

The verb is to sink, and sinking can be part of a verb tense such as continuous (is sinking, was sinking) and continuous perfect (has been sinking, will have been sinking). Present participles can be used as adjectives (e.g. He got off the sinking ship). It can also form participial phrases (e.g. He saw the ship sinking into the sea).But sinking is also a gerund, used as a noun (e.g. Sinking your boat is not a good idea).

Is the US sinking?

No the us is not sinking

What causes land sinking?

Land sinking, or land subsidence, can be caused by a variety of factors including groundwater extraction, natural compaction of soil and sediment, mining activities, and tectonic processes such as earthquakes. Human activities like urban development and oil extraction can also contribute to land sinking.

Why is the eye of the hurricane quiet?

The eye of the hurricane is quiet because at the center, air is sinking and clouds are dissipating. This sinking motion suppresses cloud formation and precipitation, resulting in clear skies and calm conditions. The eye is surrounded by the eyewall, where the most intense winds and rain occur.

How fast is London sinking?

London is not sinking.